Serving Businesses & Entrepreneurs Since 2020

The Highest Rated Merchant Services Provider

Seamlessly accept all major credit cards! Fast Application Process, start saving money today!

Voted the leading Merchant Processor Company

Best Rates, Best Customer Service, Easiest Application Process

Industry experts in Payment Technology

Gateway, Hardware, and Point of Sale System Experts, we have the answer if you need a solution!

Trusted by over 1000’s of businesses

1.6 Billion in transactions, Millions saved for clients!

Easy Application – Start Saving money today!

Want to start taking credit cards? We can get you up and running faster!

We do it better and faster; we know our customers and what they need. We have helped every type of business take payments; credit card payments are what we do!

Unified Payment Tech has helped us streamline our payment processing, and they have helped us reduce costs. They really got to know our team and identified ways to keep our costs low while allowing us the freedom to take payments where our customers are. We highly recommend their team.

– Tony McKnight

Our Services

Credit Card Processing

Flexible, fast, affordable credit card processing capabilities.

ACH Payment Processing

Transfer money seamlessly with ACH processing solutions.

Fraud Prevention

Protect your customers’ data and your business’s information.


Integrate our solution with popular tools for your business.

Virtual Terminals

Accept payments online, by mail order, email, or in person.

eCommerce Gateways

The right solutions to fit your eCommerce needs.

Mobile Payments

Accept and process payments quickly while on the go.

Chargeback Protection

Cut costs and reduce risk with powerful tools.